Tourist Information

Things to Do in Llandrindod Wells Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in Llandrindod Wells. This includes Llandrindod-Wells restaurant, Llandrindod-Wells taxi, Llandrindod-Wells attraction, Llandrindod-Wells things to do, Llandrindod-Wells pub, Llandrindod-Wells cafe, Llandrindod-Wells cafe, Llandrindod-Wells attraction and more...

Vans good food shop

Middleton street Llandrindod Wells LD1 5ET - Vans is a traditional and long established wholefood shop. we carry a comprehensive range of wholefoods, organic foods, environmentally frendly cleaning products and a very well stocked...

Underhill Riding Stables

Dolau Llandrindod Wells LD1 5TL - A very friendly family run stables set in the beautiful rolling hills of the mid Wales borders, offering a horse/pony riding experience to all ages and stages according to their requirements....

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