Premier Inn

Premier Inn Cranford St Andrew

No, unfortunately there is no Premier Inn located in Cranford St Andrew, UK. However, don’t worry! There are three hotels in the area that offer similar features and amenities to a Premier Inn.

The first hotel is called The Bell at Cranford St Andrews. This traditional country inn offers comfortable rooms with WiFi access, modern en-suite bathrooms, a restaurant serving delicious food and an inviting bar with an extensive selection of drinks. It's also just a few minutes from the centre of town and close to local attractions such as Hedingham Castle and Audley End House & Gardens. Prices here are competitive but slightly higher than Premier Inn due to its location – it’s perfect for those looking for some extra luxury on their staycation!

The second hotel is The King's Head Hotel which offers great value for money and all the amenities you'd expect from a top-notch hotel: comfortable rooms with tea/coffee making facilities, WiFi access throughout the building and a restaurant serving tasty dishes prepared using fresh ingredients from local suppliers. This hotel also has an indoor pool so you can enjoy swimming without having to go outdoors – perfect if you're looking for some relaxation during your stay! Prices here are much lower than Premier Inn so it’s ideal if you're on a budget but still want quality accommodation.

The third option is The Old Cock Inn which has been recently refurbished yet still retains its traditional charm – all rooms feature exposed beams giving them an authentic old-world feel whilst providing modern comforts such as TVs, free WiFI access throughout the building plus lots of little extras like complimentary toiletries and hairdryers in each room. Prices here are comparable to those at Premier Inns so again this place will suit everyone depending on what they need out of their staycation!

If none of these hotels take your fancy then don't forget that there’s always another option - travelling further away to find your nearest Premier Inn! The nearest one is located in Stansted Mountfitchet which is around 16 miles away - making it just over half an hour's drive or