Premier Inn

Premier Inn Gweek

Unfortunately, there is no Premier Inn located in Gweek, UK. However, the nearest one can be found at the Hayle Town Centre Premier Inn which is about 25 miles away from Gweek.

If you’re looking for a hotel that offers a similar experience to what you would find at a Premier Inn then there are three hotels in Gweek that offer this experience: The Cornwall Hotel and Spa, The Roseland Inn and The Idle Rocks.

The Cornwall Hotel and Spa provides guests with luxury accommodation along with award-winning spa treatments. It also has an indoor pool as well as free Wi-Fi access throughout the hotel. Prices range from £75 per night up to £250 per night depending on room type and availability so it's slightly more expensive than staying at a Premier Inn but offers additional luxuries not found at other budget hotels such as spas or pools.

The Roseland Inn provides comfortable accommodation along with an outdoor swimming pool, complimentary breakfast and evening meals. This hotel also offers excellent views of the surrounding countryside which makes it ideal for those wanting to explore nature during their stay in Gweek. Prices start from around £50 per night making it more affordable than some of the other options available in town.

Finally, The Idle Rocks offers classic rooms decorated in bright colours while still providing modern amenities such as free Wi-Fi access throughout the building and flat screen TVs with satellite channels installed in each room. Prices here range from £60 up to £120 depending on availability making them competitively priced compared to other nearby hotels including those offered by Premier Inn chains elsewhere in Britain..

Overall, if you’re looking for something similar to what you would find at a Premier Inn then these three hotels provide an excellent alternative within Gweek itself – although they may be slightly more expensive than other budget options out there – giving visitors plenty of choice when deciding where to stay during their trip!