Premier Inn

Premier Inn Kelstedge

Unfortunately, there is no Premier Inn located in Kelstedge, UK. However, if you are looking for a similar experience to that of a Premier Inn, there are several hotels nearby that can provide you with great service and amenities.

The three closest hotels to Kelstedge which are most like Premier Inn are the Derwent Hotel & Spa, the Hadley Park House Hotel and The Lion Hotel. All of these hotels offer spacious rooms, free Wi-Fi access, complimentary breakfast, as well as onsite dining options. The Hadley Park House Hotel is even an award-winning hotel for its high standards of hospitality. They also all provide their guests with an array of leisure activities such as swimming pools or spa facilities.

In terms of pricing, the three hotels mentioned above may be slightly more expensive than Premier Inn due to their extra amenities and services provided. For example, at the Derwent Hotel & Spa you could expect to pay around £100 per night compared to around £70 - 80 per night at a Premier Inn.

If you still want to stay in a Premier Inn while visiting Kelstedge then your nearest option would be located in Sheffield. This is approximately 21 miles away from Kelstedge and it takes roughly 40 minutes by car or bus depending on traffic conditions. In Sheffield you can find two different Premier Inns: one near Meadowhall Shopping Centre and another next to Sheffield Arena – both offering comfortable accommodation with modern facilities at reasonable prices.