Tourist Information

Things to Do in Loughrea Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in Loughrea. This includes Loughrea restaurant, Loughrea taxi, Loughrea attraction, Loughrea things to do, Loughrea pub, Loughrea cafe, Loughrea cafe, Loughrea attraction and more...

Pallas Karting

Pallas, Tynagh Loughrea - Take a spin to Pallas Karting. Here you can be in the driving seat, jostling for pole position in one of the fastest and most exhilarating sports in Ireland today on Europe's largest Karting...

Shays Studio

Leitrim Village. Kylebrack Co. Galway Loughrea - Shay's Studio is a professional recording studio, catering for most kinds of audio work, musical styles and genres. The studio services include recording and mastering, websites, and more.

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