Tourist Information

Things to Do in South Woodham Ferrers Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in South Woodham Ferrers. This includes South-Woodham-Ferrers restaurant, South-Woodham-Ferrers taxi, South-Woodham-Ferrers attraction, South-Woodham-Ferrers things to do, South-Woodham-Ferrers pub, South-Woodham-Ferrers cafe, South-Woodham-Ferrers cafe, South-Woodham-Ferrers attraction and more...

Evangelical Church (Baptist Union of Great Britain

85 Hullbridge Road South Woodham Ferrers CM3 5LJ - Sunday Worship: 10:15am: Lively preaching, in depth teaching and worship. Be assured of a warm welcome and posh coffee afterwards! For details of evening services and other activities...

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