Tourist Information

Things to Do in HELE,ILFRACOMBE Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in HELE,ILFRACOMBE. This includes HELE,ILFRACOMBE restaurant, HELE,ILFRACOMBE taxi, HELE,ILFRACOMBE attraction, HELE,ILFRACOMBE things to do, HELE,ILFRACOMBE pub, HELE,ILFRACOMBE cafe, HELE,ILFRACOMBE cafe, HELE,ILFRACOMBE attraction and more...

The Old Cornmill and Tearooms

Watermouth Road HELE,ILFRACOMBE EX34 9QY - 16th century working cornmill, tearooms and garden. Take a tour of the cornmill, see the waterwheel, grinding stones, National Diesel engine and 1920's Blackstone Mill. Purchase stone ground...

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