Places to Stay

Dublintourcd Dublin

Dublintourcd, , Dublin,

Dublintourcd can be used as a fantastic novelty souvenir/gift. The Dublin Tour Guide Postcard CD-Rom offers from over 100 classic locations which you simply MUST visit, or recommended thematic tours with chosen locations and also must see sights, which will satisfy different interests. All these presented by more than 800 photos and text … and all these accompanied by an interactive map on which you can add your own favourite locations!!! There is the added value of exciting games, quizzes, screensavers, wallpapers, printable postcards, 360° panoramic photos and 360° video, live sound form the streets and parks of Dublin and music themes – a wealth of information and fun for all ages, different interests and different purposes. And the fact that Dublin Multimedia Postcard/Tour Guide/Souvenir can be easily mailed to anywhere in the world, with a regular postage stamp -- just like traditional postcards -- makes it even more interesting. Dublin Multimedia Postcard provides a wealth of information to anyone visiting Dublin or interested in this fascinating location and its surrounding area, and wanting to learn about what they can see and do there. The Dublin Tour Guide Multimedia Postcard CD-Rom is also translated into five different languages (English, German, French, Spanish and Croatian). This Novelty product may be used as the Postcard/Tour Guide of Dublin or as a souvenir to show Dublin to family, friends and colleagues via a computer, or you could simply post the Dublin Multimedia Postcard CD-Rom to all your friends as an interesting and unusual gift/souvenir. PC & MAC Compatible.