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ELECT CARE SERVICES LTD, 211 Kingsland Road, Hackney, E2 8AN


Prices at ELECT CARE SERVICES LTD Hackney from can be arranged STATEMENT OF AIM & OBJECTIVES It is the aim of Elect Care Services to deliver a service of personal care and associated domestic services to meet the needs of dependent service users in their own home. This will be achieved by promoting a standard of excellence which embraces fundamental principles of Good Care Practice that is witnessed and evaluated through the practice, conduct and control of quality care in the domestic environment. To meet these services users needs Elect Care Services is designed to achieve the following objectives: • To deliver a service of the highest quality standard that will improve and sustain the service users overall quality of life. In this respect Elect Care Services is designed to meet the Certification requirements of the ISO 9000Quality Standard. • To ensure that the service is delivered flexibly, attentively and in a non discriminatory fashion while respecting each service users rights to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfilment, and the rights to make informed choices and to take risks. • To ensure that each services users needs and values are respected in matters of religion, culture, race or ethnic origin, sexuality and sexual orientation, political affiliation, martial status, parenthood and disabilities or impairments. • To ensure that Elect Care Services in whole is delivered in accordance with agreed Purchasing Contracts/Care Agreements. • To undertake a Risk Assessment of environmental Health & Safety hazards within the home of each new client, and to ensure that areas of concern are duly reported to the Purchaser/Service User. Such Risk Assessments will take into account the right of the client to take risk. • To ensure that all service users /clients receive written information on Elect Care Services Procedure for handling Complaints, Comments and Compliments, and how to use it.