Places to Stay

Gourmet Burger Bistro Cork

Gourmet Burger Bistro, 8 Bridge Street, Cork, None

00 353 (o)21 4505404

Prices at Gourmet Burger Bistro Cork from €10.50

Gourmet Burger Bistro is an independent Irish owned business. All our Beef & Lamb products are 100% Organic and sourced locally. We only use Irish Free Range Chicken and make all of our dishes from the freshest of local produce where possible. We offer great food and service at fantastic value for money. Our menu is wide ranging and includes excellent choices for vegetarians. All our home made sauces are gluten free and therefore we cater for coeliacs (a gluten free bun is available on request) Gourmet Burger Bistro is centrally located in Cork's City Centre (just over St. Patricks Bridge from St. Patricks St.)