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The Laser and Skin Clinic Mullingar

The Laser and Skin Clinic, 1 Millmount Terrace,, Mullingar,

044 93 47800

Prices at The Laser and Skin Clinic Mullingar from Laser and Skin Clinic

The Laser and Skin Clinic is constantly evolving with the addition of the latest technology and cosmosceuticals with clinics in both Mullingar and Athlone. We practice at the highest standards of safety and professionalism. When you visit the clinic you will be in the capable hands of our experienced doctor, nurses and aesthetic therapists who are all trained to provide each client with honest and trusted advice. We offer a wide range of non-surgical cosmetic treatments. These include medical laser treatments for a variety of complaints, including unwanted hair, thread veins, sundamage (pigmentation), Laser Resurfacing for lines and wrinkles, skin laxity and acne/acne scarring. Other skin treatments include medical microdermabrasion, Genuine Dermaroller and an extensive range of superficial (20%-70%) to medium depth TCA strength peels for a wide variety of skin problems. Injectable dermal fillers such as Esthelis and Radiesse are also popular for lines and wrinkles. Mesotherapy is very effective for tired dehydrated areas such as eye area, neck and hands. Our most popular treatment continues to be laser hair removal, with a large percentage of clients coming to us who have had unsuccessful treatments on other machines such as IPL’s elsewhere. Sclerotherapy for removal of superficial leg veins is very successful and always in demand. We also offer monthly botox dates carried out by a general practitioner. Indeed client satisfaction is a big part of the Clinics philosophy. We offer a Free Consultation making sure the client feels they have come to an informed decision. With the latest technology and products in the most experienced hands we can guarantee you the best results. We provide free follow up appointments to monitor and ensure results are consistent between treatments. We also offer a Loyalty Card with recognition points that entitle discounts of treatments of free treatments.