Tourist Information

Things to Do in Fethard On Sea Noticeboard

Here is a list of local businesses and things to do in Fethard On Sea. This includes Fethard-On-Sea restaurant, Fethard-On-Sea taxi, Fethard-On-Sea attraction, Fethard-On-Sea things to do, Fethard-On-Sea pub, Fethard-On-Sea cafe, Fethard-On-Sea cafe, Fethard-On-Sea attraction and more...

Templars Inn

templetown Fethard On Sea New Ross - Templars Inn Family Friendly Seafood Bar & Restaurant is located only 1.5km from The Hook Peninsula in County Wexford. Templar Inn is ideally located to some excellent sea angling spots and...

Templars Inn

templetown Fethard On Sea New Ross - Templars Inn Family Friendly Seafood Bar & Restaurant is located only 1.5km from The Hook Peninsula in County Wexford. Templar Inn is ideally located to some excellent sea angling spots and...

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